valley language centre macael

Eduardo’s story and advice

After finishing my Baccalaureate studies at the Institute of Macael, I began to study a degree in Economics at the University of Murcia. There I started to realise that English was very necessary during the academic courses and also in my future job. In fact, many Universities started to require an Official English Degree in order to be able to finish the degree and complete the academic transcript.

Once I finished my first degree, I was not sure whether to start another one or to study a Master’s degree. But I knew I needed to improve my English skills. Therefore, my mother advised me to take classes with Roger, since my brother, Gabriel María, had been practising English with Roger since he was very young (I have to admit that my brother has a great talent for this language).

I didn’t have much confidence in myself and I thought I should study B1 level. I even thought that this one would take a lot of effort to achieve. However, Roger trusted me and encouraged me to study B2. Thanks to his hard work and dedication, time proved him right: I got my B2 qualification!

In September 2015, I started my second degree at the University of Granada: Finance and Accounting. Thanks to having obtained the B2 level, I was able to obtain my academic degree, since, as I mentioned before, this was necessary to be able to complete my academic transcript.

Today, and thanks to having this official English qualification due to the involvement and help that Roger gave me, I am working for one of the four most important Audit and Financial Services consultancies in the world. If I had not trusted Roger, I probably would not have got this job.

Therefore, I would like to give you two pieces of advice:

1) I encourage and suggest you to study English. No matter your age and level. You will be grateful for it in the future.

2) I encourage you to study English with Roger. He is an excellent teacher, professional and very involved with his students. And, of course, he is an excellent person. With your hard work and perseverance, plus Roger’s professionalism, you will reach your goals.

¡Te atendemos con gusto!


Lunes a jueves 15:30h - 22:00h


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Calle San Andrés 55, Macael, 04867 Macael, Almería


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